World Beyond The Wall - Jerome Aarts

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July 2008

Jerome cast as Chris in short film 'The World Beyond The Wall'


Jerome landed the part of Chris in a new short film by American filmdirector and screenwriter Jason Uzu, produced by Intro Productions, a small independent film company.  

The World Beyond the Wall is a surreal story about a man named Joseph who lives a dull daily routine. Through circumstances, he comes in contact with a mysterious wall. Through this wall, he sees a beautiful world that stretches far beyond the horizon. Joseph soon becomes obsessed with traveling to the world; all the while hoping for an escape from a deadly illness he keeps a secret.

He shares his extraordinary story with his colleague Chris, who initially hears him with disbelief but soon will be inspired by Joseph's intriguing journey. Eventually he follows Joseph's path as there is more to life than just their office jobs. 'The World Beyond The Wall' will start shooting in July 2008 in London.

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